Legislative Oversight Program
What is Oversight? In most states and in our federal government, legislative oversight investigations happen when a problem arises that needs to be solved or addressed. In a lot of cases, legislators conduct oversight investigations because they want to hold someone accountable for what happened. Sometimes they hold other parts of the government accountable, but they may also hold private entities like companies or individuals accountable as well. Often, holding someone or something accountable means drafting legislation that stops the situation from happening again. Other times, legislators can only publicly condemn what happened and ask for a criminal investigation. The outcome of each oversight investigation depends on the people involved and the subject matter being investigated. | Presented to you by 2024 Oversight Topic:
Local Company Faces Environmental Crisis as Regulatory Oversight Lapses Lead to Contamination Concerns
If you might be interested, fill out this form to let us know! You should also select Oversight as your second choice on your spring registration. | Oversight Program at MYIG Sign up to be part of the Legislative Oversight program today! In 2018, MYIG partnered with the Levin Center at Wayne Law to cultivate a new program called legislative oversight. The legislative oversight program is an opportunity for students to conduct and participate in an oversight investigation about an issue having an impact on Michigan today. Students will develop questions to ask a panel of witnesses to determine what the facts are surrounding the case and what can be done to improve on this issue, so it doesn't happen again. This program will be in addition to another role at the conference such as: Legislator, Lobbyist or Governor's Cabinet member. Apply when you fill out your spring conference application! (Choose oversight as your second choice) |
Check out the Oversight Matters Podcast to hear from students like you what the program is like! |